Wednesday, January 28, 2015

LOTS of good work today!

Shoe snow seed Sister please
Dad can fix the map.
she hugs the pup.
bud dug in the sun .
She drops her  duck in the tub .
Max sat in the grass.
does the bug buzz!?
the top si off the box.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Worksheets going well..

zero who ring Here robin
she is eating a sandwich on a picnic. 
dad fans the cat . 
The pig can fit in the bag.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Using some worksheets I found...

four ran under pretty Saw 
I nap on a bed.
The man has a  hat on his head.
Pam has a Hat 
pat has a map. 
the ant is on the ham.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Slow day again, very somber...

Gummy bears are sweet and chewy.
a banana is a yellow fruit. 
a ball is round and bounces.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Slow start (as usual...) but finally got going...

zero who ring here robin 
Chips are slatty and crunchy.
i wear a coat in the rain. 
I go to church to pray and see jesus.
I sit on a chiar and eat breakfast. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 26 - Half way through our first year!

An airplane has wings and flies in the air.
I can read a book. It has pages.
I use soap to make bubbles and wash my hands.
Pretty. ran under

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Lesson catchup

Jesus says, come and hear.
Baptism is the first sacrament. 
Baptism makes a person a child of god.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Too silly to focus today

floor boat must flower. where
Apple juice is cold and sweet. 
Fish have fins And swim in the water.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Great spelling words today

name three went birthday game please school.
A banana is a yellow friut. 
A  ball is Round and bounces. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Working on new questions..

zero who help here box
chips are salty and crunchy.
A bird has feathers and a beak,
I go to church to pray.

Monday, January 12, 2015


five get that they he seeter. 
a tree has branches and leaves. 
I wear a jacket when it is cold. 
a cow gives us milk and lives on a farm.

Mark was very playful this morning and did a great job on his spelling words.  He has said this word "acita" a lot and I have no idea what it means.  He just seems to like saying it.  Today, I tried to have him type it out and he typed "seeter"...hmmm....

Our first birthday celebration for Mark with Grandma Wetzel.  He was not feeling good that day and would not eat cake or open presents:( 

Mark's treats for his school friends...can you say "gummy bear"?  Because I KNOW that Mark can!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Mark is starting to feel better..

i will open presents on my birthday.
We eat dinner in the evening. 
We see the moon at night.

Mark actually ate dinner last night so that is a good thing...cannot remember the last time he did that. He went to bed right after that and slept all night...he seemed in a better mood this morning.  Hopefully, we are on the end of this sickness.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Still sickly...

Mark and I did a little typing but he is still not feeling, I didn't really push him.  We did 5 spelling words in about 15 minutes because he kept wanting to take a break after each one.  So, I didn't bother posting the video because it was pretty slow.  The good news is that he did not take a nap yesterday afternoon (for the first time in several days..) so maybe we are finally seeing the light at the end of this tunnel..

Monday, January 5, 2015

Getting back to work...

Get some gummy bears. 
farmer A farmer grows corn in the summer.
fire A fire is is hot.
game my favorite game is tic tac toe.

Mark has not been feeling well over break so we did not push the typing.  Today was the first day back to, time to get back on track...