Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Late start but great typing...

We got start a bit late today...still trying to figure out our new school routine.  We did the Bitsboard app and Mark did really good with typing, especially the sentences.  He is using fingers on both of his hands and is getting faster.  Excited to introduce some new sentences tomorrow...

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Getting back to typing!

A baby deer is called a fawn.
Mom cut the wood with saw.
My baby brother is just learning to crawl.

So, we are finally getting back to typing!  It was just too difficult to get going during the summer.  This video is going to be short because I forgot that I need to video tape with Mark's iPod.  My phone does not have enough memory to do a longer video...anyway, I had to get to a conference today right after we did our typing so I just did not have time to go and re-do the video today...however, tomorrow I will remember and have a full length video available...