Friday, August 22, 2014

Comment section working?

Hello everyone and TGIF!  Mark and I worked together this morning...he kept saying "dumb"...not sure where that is coming from or if he is calling me dumb or our typing dumb (I hope not...) nonetheless, I found it to be pretty funny.

It has now been 2 weeks that Mark and I have been working together and I am starting to feel like I am getting a handle on all friend, Toni, sent this list of key words that every child with a disability should know...I would like to share it but I can't seem to figure out how to upload a pdf file to the blog...
She said she tried to leave it in the comments but could not get it to work...I think on my other computer I can turn it into an image and then I can load the information so look for that on Monday!

I am new to the blogging and I am learning as I go.  I will try to look at the settings and see if I can fix it.  I want to say Thank You to Joe Raiden for helping me figure out the Subscription button!

If anyone is reading this...please, try to make a comment and let me know if it does not work.  I am wondering if you have to have a Google account to comment?


  1. It seems like you can post using your Google + account, but I don't see a way to post attachments. You can also post anonymously. I am not familiar with the other comment options.

  2. Thanks for posting...good to know it works!
