Anyway, if you don't know me, let's just say that I have a Type A personality and I am VERY goal driven. So, I keep looking for some way to measure our progress with the typing.
We begin our session by working on personal information...I usually do not videotape that section because it is usually the same information.
Then, we do some spelling words...Mark is actually really good with phonics! I would like him to get a little better with this but I can see he is coming along.
Lastly, I have been experimenting with different things and I have finally pulled out my old Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills book...there is a section on "Intraverbal" skills. It has 43 subsections and we are going to work our way through them...number 5 is personal information so I feel that we are covering that well already. Other early Intraverbal activities were to fill in animal sounds or words to songs and I feel that Mark has these, this week we will begin with Fill in an item given function...all week we will work on this skill. I also made pictures of the items in case he needed a visual. I have noticed that Mark needs some work on "listening" to questions and does not really understand WH questions at all and they will be covered later in the Intraverbal, I think this is a great way to start! Also, it is helping me to come up with other questions during the day to encourage Mark to extend a conversation...
I did a 100KM bike ride last weekend! Mark came to see me cross the finish line.
Sorry the video ends abruptly, I can only put 15 minutes on the YouTube and I went too long so I just chop it off so I can get it under the correct time limit...
I saved this pdf as an image...IF you would like a copy of the original, email me and I will send it to you:
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