Monday, October 2, 2017

Typing 10/2/17

So, no video today. The iPod was not cooperating. Mark's blue iPad (that we usually use for typing) needed to go to the shop because the volume button was broken (the volume would not go down...only up!) I thought we had bought it 2 years ago in January so I wasn't in any hurry (it has a 2 year warranty) but I had some extra time last Friday morning so I decided to look up the details. Boy, I was surprised to find out that we purchased it on October 3, 2015 and had only 2 days left on warranty! I quickly got it sent off. I say all this because we did not have our usual app to do spelling so we did some sentences...

The moose eat grass. i have a hood on my shirt. a fawn is a baby deer. My favorite book is if you take a mouse to school.

Mark came at me aggressively yesterday afternoon. Luckily, I could see it building up and I had given him some medication so when it happened, he backed off right away. He went to our guest bedroom and then fell asleep at like 5:00Pm in the afternoon. He then woke up at 4:00AM ready to go for the day and must have been feeling better because he was super playful this morning. I was even able to capture some of it on the video. Or I thought I did but then I noticed that the iPod was not working right. It needs an update so hopefully that will fix the problem. The ups and downs of hormones and technology...ugh...

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